

It’s amazing to me that the US administration has been so slow to react to the crisis in Syria. The ‘red line’ was crossed months ago, yet we continue to allow the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians with weapons of mass destruction.

I agree with our nation’s military leadership — there needs to be clear end-game goals in mind. Additionally, with the reductions in force caused by the draconian sequester measures, they are rightfully hesitant. But, I can tell you with some degree of authority and experience that bombing a few military targets will have no significant impact whatsoever. Surely our experience in Vietnam and WWII show us how ridiculous it is to throw bombs as a means to gain decisive results. It’s just a waste of money and assets. Those who proclaim this method as a solution have ulterior motives not the least of which is to demonstrate their branch of service should be maintained as the preeminent fighting force for our nation and be given priority for funding. That’s BS.

There’s no doubt what to do is a much tougher decision now that we’ve stood by the sidelines while Russia propped up Assad, and Iran armed Hezbollah fighters to enter the fray. And by the way the radical elements have become one of the, if not, the most influential force in the fight against Assad. Once more, failure of our leadership to act has worsened an already awful situation.

So now we’re faced with how to effectively deal with Assad and his gang of thugs. For me the decision is easier than it looks. It won’t be pretty, there will be blood spilled, and the international response will be ugly. But, for me the answer is to find a way to simply take him out. Target him directly and decisively, and eliminate him and the criminals who prop him up. We have the ability to do that. Not many people fully appreciate that we could successfully mount a mission with the specific goal of taking him and his subhuman subordinates out. We need to treat him like the international criminal that he is. Stop pussy-footing around. Label him as a terrorist just like Osama Bin Laden. Hunt him and his thugs down like the animals they are. That’s the end game. Show no mercy. Approach everything we do with that decisive goal in mind. Make that the clearly stated mission. And, we should begin to publicly state that those who abide by his means of conduct will face similar response. Watch how fast these gangsters fade away. I would agree it’s not a noble option. We are lowering our selves to respond in that manner. However, I would submit that our citizens and soldiers who protect us have been assassinated, bombed, tortured, and murdered for years. Perhaps a response in kind is about time.

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